Here are a few categories to help you pray. Lift up the names of those who come to mind each day. This is a partial list. Add additional prompts as needed. Know your prayers make a difference.
Pray for:
People who are sick and those who are critically ill
Friends who need help
Friends who need hope
Friends in other parts of the world
Extended family members
Families with young children
Families with teens
Young adults
Single parents
The single, the married, the estranged, the divorced
Children who are hungry
People who are hurting
People who are anxious
Teachers, educators, administrators, staff
Those in public service, the military
Those out of work
The worried
Those who want to give up
Those who are working hard
Those on the front lines
Those in nursing homes
Those left behind when loved ones have gone on before
Pastors, preachers, priests, rabbis
People of faith
People of other faiths
People whose faith has been hurt
People questioning
People who have damaged others with their attitudes, assumptions, opinions and words
The prideful
The broken-hearted
People who are exhausted
People who want to give up
The discouraged
The rebellious
The tough
The weak
The weary
The belligerent
The diligent
The trusting
Those whose trust has been destroyed
The desperate
The emotionally needy
The mentally ill
The joy-filled
The spiritually hungry
The confused
The manipulators
The controllers
The lovers
The spiritually blind
The lame
The paralyzed
The healthy
The infirm
The musical, the artistic, the creative
The employed
The unemployed
Those with servant hearts
Those who live in need
Those with too much
Those who hate you
Those who hate themselves
Those who are dying in faith
Those who are dying without hope
Butchers, bakers, candlestick makers
Candy makers
Those in authority
Those who yield to authority
Those who defy authority
Truck drivers, bus drivers
The honest
Good old boys
Good boys and girls
The naughty
The profane
The gifted
The creators, the innovators
Those who are pregnant
Those who mourn
Those waiting for a forever home
Those who love animals
Those who like to work
Those who make us laugh
Story tellers, authors, song-writers, lyricists, melody-makers
The procrastinators
The much-loved
Doctors, nurses, respiratory therapists
Dentists and their assistants
Pastors and their spouses
The kid that breaks your heart
The kid next door
The person you’re so angry at you could choke them
The thoughtless
The profane, the perverse, the haughty
The introverts and extroverts
The caring
The pure of heart
Add your name here: ________________________
These are the people God loves.
Image by reenablack from Pixabay
Laughed out loud when I came to the line Butchers, Bakers, Candlestick Makers! I wasn't expecting that!. Thanks for this Sweet Hour of Prayer Jean