One day last week when I talked to my friend Peggy on the phone, I could hear the weariness in her voice. Peggy is walking through a trial of faith right now. There are many things going on, one of which is waiting on God for direction for a job for her husband. There are so many decision to make and the process seems to be creeping along.
“I’m just so tired of waiting,” Peggy said. “’God,’ I pray, 'will this never end?’”
A few days later Peggy and I met for lunch. “You know, life is a journey,” I began. “We’re just passing through this life. It’s like we’re on a car ride with our Father. He knows where we’re going. He knows our beginning. He knows our end. He’s called us to purpose. Our Father is directing us every mile of the way. It’s just hard to trust the ride sometimes in the process.”
“And we’re all riding in the back seat,” Peggy said. “How much farther?” Peggy mimicked. “I’m thirsty! I’m hot! I’ve got to go to the bathroom! What time is it? When will we be there?”
“He’s touching my side!”: I added. “He’s looking at me!”
“And imagine how it is with three, four, or five kids, like in the back of a van. Imagine how it must be for God with so many children.”
“God is so patient with us, isn’t He? Thankfully He’s never turned around while still driving to try to smack whoever He could reach.”
“Don’t make me have to pull this van over to the side of the road!” We laughed hard remembering how it was when we were kids, how it was for us when we traveled with our own children, thinking of God driving us along to get us where we needed to go.
“Imagine the delight the Father has because He knows where we’re going. Such wonderful surprises are planned for us. We just have to trust till we get there.”
Peggy got quiet. “I guess the day you called last week I was just feeling a little car sick.” Then I understood. I know car sick. I know the feeling of urp. My heart went out to her. I was moved with compassion. Until that moment I had primarily prayed with her about the circumstances in her life. Now I would pray for Peggy, my friend, God’s child, who is hurting.
“Sometimes on the journey we just want to throw up, right?”
“Yep,” she said.
If you’re at that point in your day, your week, your life, where you just want to puke, lie down if you can and take a nap. The nausea will pass. There really is something to look forward to as soon as we get to where we’re going.
“How much longer? Are we almost there yet? Huh? Huh? Huh, God?”
I loved this - I can so relate